Pictured is K3EC, Hugh, one of the Co-Founders of the BFN,
This is an excerpt from the K3EC log ( then W3QCW ) from August 23-31, 1970 showing contacts with the “Sunday Morning Bible Study Group” on 3873 kHZ 8/23 comprising GLEN W8RLR, JERRY VE3BLM, BOB HOUSER WB4IRA, MIKE CATER W4WC, DON W2DQL, JERRY VE3BLM AND DICK HAXTON WA3IVB.
This was the core of what became the Bible Fellowship Net.” According to Hugh’s log: “Session #1 4 Sept. 1970 Text: 1 John 1:1-4 W3QCW, W8RLR, W4PVL (VE3AX came in to say hello) 0614-0656
Historically speaking, "The purpose of the Bible Fellowship Net is to promote Christian fellowship among Amateur Radio operators through studying the Bible, presenting to all listening, a testimony to God's saving grace."
Hugh Pettis (now K3EC) said, "On September 4, 1970, the first weekday Bible study session on 3875 kHz was inaugurated by W8RLR (Glenn), W4PVL (Claude), and W3QCW (Hugh) with a Godspeed from VE3AX.
Although the origins of the witness 3875 reach back 15 years through the Sunday sessions with W4WC and WA3PPH, and the name "Bible Fellowship Net" wasn't taken until this past April, perhaps for convenience and a time of rejoicing September 4th can be viewed as the anniversary of the BFN."
The BFN from the beginning has been a time of fellowship in God's Word, and it is a witness to those who listen. Hams found the BFN by merely tuning across 3875 and heard hams sharing God's Word.
(Of course, members of the BFN told their friends.)
The first year of operation, 65 stations found the BFN and
made a total of 1,395 check-ins for Bible study.
Hugh continued by saying in Monitor No. 11:
"Some of the calls, now inactive, will give us cause to rejoice in remembering their warm and valued presence. Others give cause for prayer that the sown seed has not been entirely snatched by birds or withered in shallow soil. Some, needing no introduction, can be lifted before the Lord in thanksgiving for their faithful labors in this tiny corner of His harvest."
In thinking back over the years, this same quote applies.
Each year, for the past 47 years, BFN hamfests were held in the North and South. Radio stations were set up at each location. The more active hams attended with their spouses. This was a grand time to get to know fellow hams and their spouses. It was a surprise sometimes to see what we looked like in person.
During the hamfest, we had meals together, took excursions, shared testimonies, heard guest speakers, took pictures, worshipped together, and experienced a ham equipment auction. It is an exciting time having a first "eyeball."
God has led a vast array of personalities to the BFN, ranging from those gifted in the fields of science, engineering, the arts, patent holders, teachers, labors, farmers and even beekeepers. Blessings without number embrace the radio waves that are transmitted to each other.
In the past few years, with propagation at some of its lowest points, and with Remote Hams software, hams have joined in from Israel to California. Some members do not use a remote. Many long for the old days of using their ham radios.
While some, some still only use their radio, propagation is never a problem when using a remote base.
A BFN website was established ten years ago. A wealth of information is now available on the BFN website: including: the daily Bible studies, member testimonies, Christian resources, why the BFN exists and more.
Hams and others can search the website and contact a
member with a comment or question by going to www.biblefellowshipnet.com.
As we approach the 48th anniversary of the BFN, September 4th, we can say with the Psalmist,
"O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people." (Ps 105.1) As God
has led hundreds of hams to find the BFN, He will still do so as long as we are glorifying His name through
our witness and obedience to His word.
"Has the LORD redeemed you?
Then speak out! Tell others..." (Ps 107:2)
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July 20, 2018
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Bible Fellowship Net - Founded September 4th, 1970
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